Parish Happenings
Holy Redeemer Parish offers a subsidy contribution to Columbia River Catholic Kindergarten, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School, Regina Caeli Academy, and St. Joseph Parish School.
The Columbia River Catholic combined Parish Family of Holy Redeemer, Vancouver, St. Thomas Aquinas, Camas and Our Lady Star of the Sea Stevenson is seeking to hire a full-time Administrative Assistant.
We are continuing our yearly tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross every Friday of Lent at 5:30pm in the church, followed by soup supper.
Holy Redeemer is offering a parenting series focused on raising the next generation of Saints. All adults who have children in their lives that they pray for regularly are invited!
It's that time of year again! All are encouraged to sign up for a Lenten Small Faith Sharing Group! This year, our Lenten small faith sharing groups we will be reading Prayer Works: Getting a Grip on Catholic Spirituality, by Matthew Leonard
Winter Hospitality Overflow (WHO) is devoted to helping those in need during winter's coldest months. Guests are offered not only a warm place to sleep, but a hot shower, meals, and the welcome and warmth of a caring community (that's you!) working to address the most basic of human needs. This shelter operates from November 1 to March 31 each year, Holy Redeemer has been supporting this worthy cause for years.
Join fellow parishioners starting on January 1st for 90 days of Spiritual Exercises aimed at preparing us to be the disciples we are made to be!
Our 2025 Stewardship drive is here! Our goal is to get 550 parishioners to make a commitment of their time, talent, and treasure to Holy Redeemer for 2025.
Walking in the Garden: An Easter retreat for women, taking us into the heart of living as a people of hope and joy. Join us April 25-27, 2025 at Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish in Vancouver, WA. Cost is $125.
Holy Redeemer is committed to being good stewards of our resources in our mission to Glorify God and Sanctify Souls. Click to see our report of how we did this in 2022-2023.
Partners in Gospel is the next stage of the strategic pastoral planning effort taking place across the Archdiocese of Seattle to re invigorate and renew our local Catholic Church. Click here to learn more from Archbishop Etienne and Fr. Nathe and to sign-up to give your feedback.
Ushers, greeters, lectors, or extraordinary minister of communion (EM): Click here to view your schedule for April 1st to June 30th or sign-up to serve.
Faith Formation Happenings
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas are offering four scholarships to graduating seniors of Columbia River Catholic (Holy Redeemer, St. Thomas Aquinas and Our Lady Star of the Sea.)
Fraternus Spring Excursion: Join us for our Spring event. This is a time for us to spend more time together strengthening the brotherhood. This IS an overnight excursion. Our adventure will be whitewater rafting on the Clackamas River or a Hike!
Holy Redeemer is offering a parenting series focused on raising the next generation of Saints. All adults who have children in their lives that they pray for regularly are invited!
The landing page for all things “summer” at Holy Redeemer! Check out all we have going on this summer!
Help our high school youth attend Ignite NW! Visit IgniteNW.org to learn more about this wonderful conference!
It's that time of year again! All are encouraged to sign up for a Lenten Small Faith Sharing Group! This year, our Lenten small faith sharing groups we will be reading Prayer Works: Getting a Grip on Catholic Spirituality, by Matthew Leonard
Ignite NW invites High School youth into a deeper relationship with God and neighbor through sacred liturgy, authentic community, and faithful intellectual formation at an annual Catholic youth conference.
Join fellow parishioners starting on January 1st for 90 days of Spiritual Exercises aimed at preparing us to be the disciples we are made to be!
Walking in the Garden: An Easter retreat for women, taking us into the heart of living as a people of hope and joy. Join us April 25-27, 2025 at Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish in Vancouver, WA. Cost is $125.
Fidelis and Fraternus are national communities of men and women, ages 6th grade and older, who want to grow in virtue together. Holy Redeemer’s Fidelis and Fraternus Chapters are beginning this Fall and fully integrated into our religious education.
Enroll your youth now in our parish based programs for the 2024-2025 School year. Follow the directions to fill out forms and pay online!
Monthly gatherings for women with food, speakers, and fellowship! All women are welcome!
“Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.”
From leadership and service to learning real-life skills and exploring the outdoors, AHG offers something for all girls. This K-12 program will give you opportunities for articulating your faith and service. We'd love to have you join us!
Trail Life USA is a Christian Outdoor Adventure, Character, and Leadership program for boys in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Trail Life Troop WA 360 is a specifically Catholic troop which incorporates Catholic prayer and devotion into every meeting and outing.
Formed.org is a online streaming service that provides quality Catholic content for all ages including.
Join us every 1st Saturday of the Month to grow in faith and fellowship. Men of Faith meets at 9:15 am every first Saturday of the Month in the Parish Center.