Young Adult Ministry at Holy Redeemer
Ages 18-26
Upcoming Young Adult Events
Young Adults (ages 18*-26) are invited to join us at our outings, gatherings, other events to grow in faith and fellowship with other young adults in the area. If you are not on our mailing list yet, contact Katelyn to receive our updates and event reminders! Here’s what currently happening:
*All 18 year olds who wish to participate in young adult activities must no longer be in high school. Exceptions are made for those who are 5th year seniors (or greater) and are not registered in our High School Faith Formation programs.
Friday Night Bible Study
Join our weekly Bible study! Bring a Bible (if you forget yours or don’t have one we can let you borrow one of ours!) and join other young adults as we break open the Word. We meet every Friday in the Green House Annex from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Park in any of the Holy Redeemer Parking lots and walk over to the house at 16809 NE 10th Way Vancouver, WA 98684. Need a map? Click here to check out our campus map.
Monthly Events
Join us for monthly events! Keep an eye on our social media or reach out to holyredeemeryoungadult@gmail.com to stay informed!
October: Mount Angel Trip, Movie Night, Volunteering with the Parish Trunk or Treat
November: All Souls Prayer Service, Dominican Forum @ Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Portland
December: Grotto Trip and Christmas Movie Night
January: Prayer Vision Board Craft Night and Rosary For Life
February: Make Valentines for the Homebound, Movie Night, Volunteer with Parish Teen Social
March: St. Joseph Chaplet/Ice Cream Social, Rosary Making Night
April: “Passion of the Christ” Movie Night, TBD Service Event
May: Movie Night and Canon Beach Day Trip
June: Year End Retreat
Connect with us
Send us an email: holyredeemeryoungadult@gmail.com
Follow us on Instagram to get the latest news on events! Our handle is @holyredeemervan.ya
Older Young Adults?
If Friday night Bible study isn’t a fit for you, or you’re an older young adult, we encourage you to check out Young Catholic Professionals in Portland.
The Portland chapter of YCP has lots of events for members and non-members, and becoming a member costs as little as $3 a month. YCP is for young adults in their 20s and 30s. Together, they seek authentic friendships, a richer sense of purpose, and both personal and professional excellence. Above all, they’re here to help inspire modern-day saints!
To learn more, check out there website here.
Looking for a retreat?
Looking to go on retreat? Check out these great local resources to see what’s available throughout the year. Come spend some time away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and rest and pray with the Lord! Mount Angel and the Palisades often host retreats open to groups, while many local monasteries and other holy places are open to people who want to come away to pray and create their own, self-directed spiritual retreat. Often, clergy or religious will be available to meet with you even if you’re making a private retreat - just ask when you book one! Group retreats often cost more than private retreats or coming for a day. Most monasteries will request a small donation to cover the cost of upkeep.
Mount Angel Abbey in Mount Angel, Oregon
Mount Angel hosts a wide variety of retreats throughout the year that are open to the public, and center on a variety of topics. Mount Angel also offers opportunities for people to come for a day on their own, or stay a few nights and make your own private retreat.
Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades in Federal Way, Washington
This retreat center sometimes known as “The Palisades” offers retreats throughout the year that are open to the public.
Other locations that offer the opportunity to come make a private retreat:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Trappist Abbey in Carlton, Oregon. This location has great trails through their extensive grounds for long walks and hiking.
St. Martin’s Abbey in Lacey, Washington. Open for some private retreats, but availability is limited.
Our Lady of the Rock Priory on Shaw Island, Washington. While their website says they’re closed, I’ve been told by their Mother Prioress to feel free to still inquire about retreats. Mother Hildegard will likely respond to you (in all-caps, if you send her an email!). These nuns pray the Divine Office in Latin, and you’ll have the option to help out with some farm chores!