Baptism Preparation at Holy Redeemer
Are you an adult who needs Baptism? See our OCIA page!
What is the Sacrament of Baptism?
The Sacrament of Baptism was instituted by Christ, and it integrates a person into Christ’s Body, the Church. When we were baptized and when our child is baptized the following things happen:
We are cleansed of both original sin and personal sin
We receive and indelible mark on the soul
We are filled with sanctifying grace
We become children of God
We become a new creation in Christ
We become member’s of the Church
We are able to receive the other sacraments when it is appropriate as prescribed by the Church
At Holy Redeemer, our goal is to help parents understand the true meaning of this beautiful sacrament and to equip parents to raise their children in the faith. Due to the unique circumstances of each baptismal inquiry, the process may look different for everyone and may vary in length of time. We do not schedule baptisms until we have gathered enough information to have founded hope that the child presented for Baptism will be raised in the Church.
Infant and Child Baptism (0-6 Years)
After the steps bellow have been completed, and all necessary paperwork is submitted, your child's Baptism may be scheduled. Baptisms are always celebrated within Mass one Sunday each month (except during the season of Lent). The process described below usually takes at least 2 months or longer (depending on family circumstances), so plan accordingly.
The following list items should be completed:
If you have never had a baptism at Holy Redeemer before, please fill out the Baptism Interest Form
Once approved, or if this is not your first Baptism at Holy Redeemer, fill out the Baptism Intake Form
If the parents of the child you hope to have baptized have an irregular marriage situation (single, civilly married only, not married but living together, etc.,) please contact Mark MacKenzie to set up a meeting to discuss your unique situation and to determine the next steps in the process.
Attend Baptism Class - Click here to RSVP and see upcoming dates (If no one has RSVP’d by the morning of the class, the class will be canceled.)
Submit copy of child's birth certificate to the Faith Formation Office
Select Godparents
Each Godparent must fulfill the following criteria:
Be at least 16 years old
Be one man AND one woman if two Godparents are selected (Only having one Godparent is okay).
Be fully initiated Catholic (received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation)
Not be bound by any canonical penalty--he/she must be living a life of faith and in line with the Catholic Church (this includes being married in the Church if living as husband and wife, if he/she is not married in the Church please select a different Godparent).
Godparents must submit the Godparent Testimonial Form with signature of staff, pastor, or representative and parish seal of home parish
Godparents must submit Baptismal certificate WITH Confirmation notation (or submit Baptismal AND Confirmation certificate)
Youth Baptism (7+ years)
Youth over the age of 7 who need baptism go through a process similar to OCIA but for children. The process may take from 1-2 school years to complete and the process and length of preparation is determined on a case by case basis. Please fill out the Baptism Questionnaire to begin the process.