
All meetings from 9:15am-10:45am
in the Parish Center

April 12

May 10

June 14

July 12

Auguest 9

September 13

October 11

November 8

December 13

Women Growing in Faith is a ministry at Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish created and developed by women for women. Our vision is to provide adult women from all stages and vocations of life the opportunity to grow with correct teachings, insight, and material about the Catholic Church. Our hope is that Women Growing in Faith will be an easy way for women to connect (or reconnect) with the beauty of our Catholic faith and with our beautiful community of Catholic women. We aim to provide an easily accessible venue to inform and educate participants with resources and information to inspire, motivate, encourage and support them in their personal faith journey.

Meet Our Upcoming Speaker!

April 12th ~ Carla Wehrman

"Holy Week and the Triduum"

Carla Wehrman

Carla Wehrman has lived in the Pacific Northwest all of her life.  She is the mother of four children and two grandchildren who live locally and she can visit regularly. Sadly, she lost her 2nd born son to cancer many years ago, when he was 17.

She is recently retired yet her days are full and is loving this new chapter in her life.

Carla joined Holy Redeemer Parish in 2010. She has been a volunteer in many programs and ministries with our parish and has a special affection for the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults)  program having had the privilege of walking the faith journey alongside participants of this program.  We have a good number of Catechumens who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil Mass, and she is certain that once again, our parish community will be strengthened and energized by the Holy Spirit!

For 15 years Carla has also a been a volunteer for our local Catholic radio station, Mater Dei Radio, co-hosting a program called Sunday Commentary.  For her it is an enriching blessing as it compliments her love for evangelization.   

In Carla’s words, “I hold firm to the Catholic faith, which defines all that I am and all that I hope to be and when things get tough, I remind myself – the best is yet to come.”

Welcome Carla!


Partners in the Gospel

