Pastor’s Columns
The Rosary - A Gift
God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I love the Rosary and want you to pray it daily. When the Blessed Virgin Mary visited St. Bernadette at Lourdes she always prayed the Rosary with her (14 visits). When the Blessed Virgin Mary visited the children at Fatima, she told them to pray the Rosary daily. Simply put, heaven wants us to pray the Rosary daily. If all the Catholics in the world prayed the Rosary daily, Satan’s power would be broken and the world would be converted to Jesus Christ. The Rosary is a gift from God, a superpower.
We live in an age unlike any other in the 2000-year history of Christianity, a spiritual “Dark Age” that has seen . . .
BIG NEWS: Holy Redeemer, St. Thomas and Star of the Sea – to Merge
On July 1, 2024, the following parishes will henceforth share the same pastor: Holy Redeemer, Vancouver; St. Thomas, Camas; Star of the Sea, Stevenson. Then at some point between 2024 and 2027, they will merge into one parish, name change and all.
Throughout the western world the Church has unfortunately been in decline for decades. To deal with this, many dioceses have had to restructure and the Church in Western Washington is no exception.
Beginning last year, the Archdiocese of Seattle (the Church in Western Washington) began to process the greatest reorganization of parishes and missions in our history through a process the Archdiocese calls Partners in the Gospel.
Please Take the ME-25 Survey
In light of the Archdiocesan wide program, Partners in the Gospel, a program to reorganize and revitalize the Church in Western Washington, I want to get a better idea of what you think of Holy Redeemer Parish now and how we might improve upon it. How can we best accomplish what God has in mind for us? How can we best use the gifts and talents of the people who are a part of this parish? These are important questions that we’re always seeking to know and answer.
Please Take the ME-25 Survey
In light of the Archdiocesan wide program, Partners in the Gospel, a program to reorganize and revitalize the Church in Western Washington, I want to get a better idea of what you think of Holy Redeemer Parish now and how we might improve upon it. How can we best accomplish what God has in mind for us? How can we best use the gifts and talents of the people who are a part of this parish? These are important questions that we’re always seeking to know and answer.
The Precepts of the Catholic Faith, Part 7
If you only remember one thing from this pastor’s column, let it be this:
Catholics who marry are obligated to wed in the Catholic Church. Failure to do so would constitute grave evil and the union would not be a valid marriage in God’s eyes.
I never heard this fact growing up Catholic, so it was news to me when I discovered it in my early 30’s, and it may well be news to you too.
So what happens to a Catholic who weds outside of the Catholic Church? Although the union is recognized by civil society as marriage, it is not recognized by God as such: thus the couple are sleeping together outside of marriage.
The Precepts of the Catholic Faith, Part 6
If you only remember one thing from this pastor’s column, let it be this:
Catholics who marry are obligated to wed in the Catholic Church. Failure to do so would constitute grave evil and the union would not be a valid marriage in God’s eyes.
I never heard this fact growing up Catholic, so it was news to me when I discovered it in my early 30’s, and it may well be news to you too.
So what happens to a Catholic who weds outside of the Catholic Church? Although the union is recognized by civil society as marriage, it is not recognized by God as such: thus the couple are sleeping together outside of marriage.
The Most Forgotten Moms and Kids in the World
About five years ago I met Brian Willis, a parishioner at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Portland. In 2007 Brian started a non-profit called Global Health Promise to help prostitutes and their children. His work was covered in the Catholic Sentinel, the former paper for the Archdiocese of Portland. Here’s the problem that Global Health Promise (GHP) is trying to alleviate.
Prostitutes are arguably the most desperate and threatened women in the world. Women who prostitute themselves are trapped in that hellish profession in mind, body, and spirit.
Partners in the Gospel Update
This is an update on Partners in the Gospel, my second installment on the subject and taken together with the Archbishop, the third time you’ve found a page length or more article in the bulletin on it. A reminder: the Archdiocese of Seattle, or the Church in Western Washington, is going to implement the greatest reorganization of parishes and missions in our history starting in the summer of 2024. This is a brief reminder of why and where the process is at this time.
The Precepts of the Catholic Faith, Part 5
There is no Jesus without the Catholic Church, and hence, there is no salvation without the Catholic Church. Let me explain. Jesus Christ, God, founded only one Church and that Church is the Catholic (Greek for ‘universal’) Church. Before the Catholic Church, God made a covenant with the chosen people, now called Jews. If you belong to a religion other than Judaism or Catholicism, then God is not your founder. Jesus is the Messiah of the Jews and Gentiles, with his revelation a new covenant of salvation was created through the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. Everything we know about Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, the Communion of saints, heaven, purgatory, and hell comes from the Catholic Church. It was the Catholic Church that wrote the New Testament and decided what books and letters would go into the Bible.
The Precepts of the Catholic Faith, Part 4
Remember the first precept, that we are obligated to attend Mass on all the Holy Days of Obligation, and Sunday is always a Holy Day of Obligation. However, we are not obligated to receive the Holy Eucharist (Communion) at each of those Masses, for that-we need to be in a “state of grace” or free of mortal sin. Concerning the fourth precept, as evident by the percentage of people who receive the Holy Communion at Mass, most Catholics in the U.S. assume that they are supposed to receive Holy Communion if they attend Mass, this is not correct. Only those who are Catholic, have received their 1st Communion, and are not aware of unconfessed mortal sin are able to receive Holy Communion.
The Precepts of the Catholic Faith, Part 3
Forgiveness of sins is so important that God decided to sacramentalize it. Today the Catechism of the Catholic Church calls that sacrament by various names: Confession, Reconciliation, Penance, Forgiveness, and even Conversion. A supernatural thing happens when we go to confession: our sins are absolved (removed), no matter how bad or how often they have been committed, and we are restored and strengthened in our life of grace with God. There is no other way on earth to have our mortal sins absolved other than through sacramental confession. So why don’t more people take advantage of it: ignorance of the information being presented here, and pride.
The Precepts of the Catholic Faith, Part 2
This week we continue our series on the Precepts of the Catholic Church: “pre” meaning “before”, and “cept” meaning “life” – before there can be full life in God, these seven laws must be observed. Failure to live them out would constitute a mortal sin: when one has knowledge of them, and acts without undue coercion to disregard them. “The obligatory character of these positive laws decreed by pastoral authorities is meant to guarantee to the faithful the very necessary minimum in the spirit of prayer and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and neighbor”. Catechism #2041. This week we continue working our way through them by exploring the second precept.
The Precepts of the Catholic Faith, Part 1
We know how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide; we know how to drive a car with all its myriad rules; we know about photosynthesis; we know what it takes to do our taxes annually; but when it comes to knowledge of our faith, we can be woefully uninformed. Almost four years ago I ran a multiple part series on the precepts of the Catholic faith. I run them again now because they are critically important to know and live, and most of you don’t have them memorized and should, finally we should be able to teach them to others.
Keep the Faith
Jesus Christ: the Way, the Truth, and the Life ~
Our gospel this Sunday ends with the words:
“But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.” Jesus ~ Mt. 10:33.
I read an article recently about the great loss of faith amongst Americans, and the rest of the world for that matter. I’ve attached the article below. How do we deal with this? The answer to that is the same in every age but especially in this one: sanctity. If you and I want to help people who have stopped believing what the Catholic Church has always taught, or simply doesn’t care enough to live it, then the best we can do for them is to be a saint. The example this sets for people is amazing, and what’s more, the grace that God releases through a holy person upon others is amazing.
Beautiful - The Three Attributes of God: Truth, Goodness and Beauty
On Saturday, June 3rd, a seminarian from our parish was ordained to the priesthood at St. James Cathedral in Seattle by Archbishop Etienne. The next day, Father John Paul Tomassi celebrated his first Mass here as a priest. We rented a couple of 55 passenger buses to travel up to Seattle and back on that Saturday, and hosted a reception the next day for Fr. Tomassi after his first Mass here. I heard the word “joy” a lot that weekend, yet the word that kept rolling around in my mind was “beautiful.”
The whole weekend was just beautiful. From the charity and anticipation of the people riding up on those buses to Seattle; to the profundity and glory of the ordination liturgy at the Cathedral; to the giddiness and fatigue of the people riding back on those buses; to the joy and hope of Fr. Tomassi’s first Mass; to the victory celebration at the reception afterward – it was all just beautiful.
Eucharistic Adoration
Jesus Christ left us an inestimable gift before he parted from this world, that gift is His very self in the form of the Eucharist. As most of us know, the bread and wine consecrated at Mass becomes the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ (who is God). This isn’t just what Catholics believe, as if others who believe differently might be right too, nor is this true because we want it to be; the bread and wine consecrated at Mass truly become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ whether we accept this fact or not. In 6:61 of St. John’s Gospel, Jesus asks, “Does this shock you?” The answer to that question is ‘yes’ because most of the people listening to Him got up and left. But you and I do believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist and in His power because it is true.
Deacon John Paul Tomassi’s Vocation Story
Many of you know me, or at least know me from a distance and have been supporting me as I journey through seminary. So, to start off: thank you for this support, and especially all of the prayers that have helped me along.
My seminary formation began ten years ago, but God began preparing me to respond to a priestly vocation long before that. Born the fourth of five in an Irish-Italian Catholic family in the Portland area, I knew from a young age that God could call me to be a priest – or, as I might have said it, I knew that I could be a priest when I grew up. So on and off in childhood, I wanted to be a priest.
Over the past fifty years or so, Catholic funerals have fallen on hard times. Most Catholics do not have a Catholic funeral upon death, and that number continues to drop. That is very unfortunate and clearly reflects a loss of faith in general, and a lack of understanding in the meaning and value of a funeral.
Funerals: You’re Going to Die, So Please Read This
Two weeks ago, I presided at my brother’s funeral Mass in Lewiston Idaho. Among other things, the experience reminded me of the need for all of us to have clarity around death and funerals. Last Sunday my pastor’s column was on “What happens to us after we die,” you can check it out on our website. This Sunday I want to deal with funerals. This pastor’s column not only speaks to the nature of Catholic funerals, but what our policies are at Holy Redeemer Parish. Please plan to have a Catholic funeral, and read on.
Over the past fifty years or so, Catholic funerals have fallen on hard times. Most Catholics do not have a Catholic funeral upon death, and that number continues to drop. That is very unfortunate and clearly reflects a loss of faith in general, and a lack of understanding in the meaning and value of a funeral.
What Happens to People After They Die?
This Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven. Forty days after Jesus’ Resurrection, He ascended into heavenly glory where He is exalted at the right hand of His Father. The Ascension of Christ into heaven is as important to us as His Resurrection. Our Lord’s Resurrection makes it possible for us to rise from the dead, but to what end? So we can haunt the earth? Christ’s Ascension matters to us because it makes our own ascension into heaven possible. While the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead gives us the faith we need to unite ourselves to Him in baptism and discipleship, His Ascension is the event that makes heaven possible for us.
Letter to Diognetus
For years now I have been reading in my priest prayer book (breviary) a Second Century letter sent from an anonymous author to someone named Diognetus. It is an amazing testament about the Christian faith and Church in all times and places. As you read it, you’ll recognized that what was true for Christians in a hostile Roman Empire 1900 years ago, is still true for us today. Enjoy!
Pastor Column Archives