Please Take the ME-25 Survey

September 10th, 2023

Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever ~

In light of the Archdiocesan wide program, Partners in the Gospel, a program to reorganize and revitalize the Church in Western Washington, I want to get a better idea of what you think of Holy Redeemer Parish now and how we might improve upon it.  How can we best accomplish what God has in mind for us?  How can we best use the gifts and talents of the people who are a part of this parish?  These are important questions that we’re always seeking to know and answer.

To this end, we want to hear from each of you.  Next weekend, we will begin conducting Gallup’s Member Engagement survey (ME-25), a census of all adult members of our parish that will give you the opportunity to share your opinions about some of the key aspects of our parish life.  If you didn’t take the survey as a result of the email we will send you on Friday, you’ll be able to do it immediately after Mass next weekend while you’re still sitting in the pews.  Please be sure to bring a smart phone because that will be the easiest way to fill out the survey.  If you don’t bring a smart phone, you will still be able to fill out a paper copy of the survey after Mass. 

The survey will be administered by Gallup, an independent research company known for its understanding of people and their opinions.  Although most of us know Gallup for its polling work, the organization has been listening to people’s opinions and studying successful organizations for several decades.  With this experience, Gallup brings a seasoned ability to help us gather and understand all of the opinions throughout our parish.

Your opinions will be completely confidential; Gallup will not reveal any individual responses to anyone.  After we have received the results from Gallup, we will use them to start a dialogue about Holy Redeemer parish and how we can more effectively accomplish our mission.  We all have a stake in the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

The success of this effort hinges on the completion of the survey by each one of us who is at least 18 years of age.  We all share equally in our responsibility to reach the goal of 100% participation by our parish.  Your opinions need to be heard.

This is an exciting time for our parish.  We are taking important steps toward fulfilling God’s purpose for us now and in the years to come.  The process and subsequent dialogue will help us all in that effort.

May Almighty God Bless You,

Fr. Thomas Nathe

Fr. Thomas Nathe


Please Take the ME-25 Survey


The Precepts of the Catholic Faith, Part 7