Women’s Ministry
Welcome to Holy Redeemer Women’s Ministry! We have a variety of activities and events to get plugged into the community. Check them out below!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter to be kept up to date about events and activities!
Fidelis Sisterhood
Fidelis is a national organization meant to cultivate virtuous women 6th grade through adulthood. Weekly gatherings meet on Wednesday Evenings.
Small Group Spiritual Studies
Join us for much more than a book study! Join an Endow Group, Women’s Bible Study with Littles, or another small group. Meet and deepen your faith and in friendship with fellow sisters in Christ who want more intimacy with the Lord.
Contact Melissa to learn about times, dates, and current studies.
Women Growing in Faith
Monthly gatherings for all adult women that feature a guest speaker, discussion, and walking with one another in faith. WGIF meets on the second Saturdays of the month. Click here to learn more!
Magnify 90
Each year from January through Easter, women of the parish participate in the Magnify 90 challenge. Let go of the things holding you back from radically embracing Christ!
Sisterhood Nights
Quarterly gatherings for all adult women of the parish for fun, food, and fellowship in a relaxed environment. Bring your friends!
Catholic Women Professionals
CWP are a group of Catholic, working women seeking to make connections with other professionals by providing spiritual and social resources to ultimately contribute in helping each other grow in our faith. Click Here to learn more and join!
Other Opportunities to Grow in Faith!
Check out the Beautiful Attitude Archived Retreat
Holy Redeemer’s virtual women’s retreat was held April 24th- 26th, 2020. You can watch and participate in the archived material and discover hope, healing and inspiration at any time!
What is beauty and why? How does Christ’s call to live out the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount affect the way we live out our vocation of holiness as women? How can I let Christ’s love transform my words, actions— even the way I see myself? Dive deep into these questions and more.
Retreat content was created and recorded by women Holy Redeemer’s staff and parishioners.