Roe Ends - Thanks be to God
July 3, 2022
Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega; all time belongs to him, and all the ages; to Him be glory and power, through every age forever. Amen.
At the Easter Vigil the priest begins with the above words, while all are gathered outside in the dark of night awaiting the saving event of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The thing is, at the first Easter no one (outside of the Blessed Virgin Mary) knew that Jesus would rise from the dead. Everyone, from Thursday night until Sunday morning, thought that Jesus was defeated and so were they. Then the Lord of all creation rose from the dead fulfilling His promises, defeating sin, death, and Satan, and opening heaven. Why? Because Jesus loves us. How? Because Jesus is invincible. I’ll circle back to this at the end of this column, please read on.
When referring to this generation’s culture, Pope Saint John Paul II coined the phrase “culture of death” and for good reason. The twentieth century saw more people die from war than all previous centuries combined. It also saw more people die from abortion than all wars combined, including those of the 20th Century! And the killing goes on.
On June 24th, 2022, five members of our Supreme Court courageously struck down two previous rulings from that same court that said our Constitution guarantees a right to abortion. Of course our Constitution says nothing of when life begins, and it certainly says nothing about abortion. So it raises the question: how did the Supreme Court get abortion wrong for 49 years? How do so many people the world over continue to advocate for baby killing? Answer: fallen human nature and Satan’s power over this world.
In the first instance, fallen human nature, we are dealing with humanity’s desire to be as happy as possible in this life, while neglecting eternal happiness in the next life – insane reasoning I know. Supposed happiness in this life would include sexual gratification, material prosperity, and the praise of others. Each is a perversion of the three goods God left to Adam and Eve when He kicked them out of the Garden of Eden: family (or our extinction), the ability to acquire goods (we need food, shelter, etc.), and self-determination (without free will we can’t honestly love God or anyone else). So Satan takes those three goods and perverts them into impurity, greed, and vanity. No one wants to be chaste, poor, or rejected by others. Abortion would seem to be a solution to getting all three of what we fallen creatures want for our happiness in this life: sexual gratification, material prosperity, and vanity (safe in the majority’s embrace). How evil and sad that innocent babies must die for our selfishness.
Another reason abortion is legal in half of the countries of the world is because of the supernatural power of the fallen angels (enormous in number) and the power we give them through human sacrifice. While the fallen angels (demons) have supernatural power because of their super-natures, that power is increased with human sacrifice.
From the time of Adam and Eve, to Abraham and the chosen people, to the Passover meal with Moses, God has demanded an animal sacrifice as a sign of man’s obedience to Him. However, that wasn’t enough to save us from sin and damnation, so God finally offered His Son, Jesus Christ, on Calvary. In every case, a blood sacrifice to God was necessary to stay in God’s good graces and ultimately to save us.
Satan and the demons want a blood sacrifice too and it isn’t that of an animal. In exchange for human sacrifice, Satan will grant the offending party power, prestige, and pleasure in this life with everlasting fire in the next (we’re not supposed to know about that). This human sacrifice frequently takes the form of war. Many ancient national powers rose to wealth and power through the blood sacrifice of war: the Roman Empire, the Mongol Empire, Germany and Japan in the last century, etc. If a nation isn’t obedient to God, and they’re not going to wage war, then how are they going to grow in power, wealth, and pleasure? Through human sacrifice to Satan. Many Pagan cultures had as part of their religious observance ritualistic human sacrifice. Everywhere Christianity took over that ended. Then Christian culture lost their “cult” or belief in Christ, and reverted back to paganism in practice.
How did the global “West” get so wealthy and powerful over the last century while rejecting the Christian faith they were founded upon? The same way the ancient Aztecs, Incas, Carthaginians, and so many other Pagan powerhouses did it – through human sacrifice. T.S. Flanders, writing for One Peter Five, lays this out succinctly.
The reason that the fallen angels hate us is because of envy. They have been cast down from their celestial thrones and now their places in the heavenly hierarchy are given to those destined to eternal life. They despise above all the little children – their innocence, their simple faith. They fear these little children and they burn with envy that they have been called by God to fill the hierarchy in heaven that the demons lost by their pride. Therefore the demons have ever sought the institution of child sacrifice.
In this horror, the fallen angels can cast souls out of this life without baptism. From the evil days of Moloch, to the wicked empire of the Aztecs, child sacrifice is the glory of Satan. This Satanic darkness was imposed on these United States in 1973 with the unjust law of Roe v. Wade. But the King of Kings [Jesus] is ever at work to liberate his children from the devil. For this purpose, the Son of God appeared, that he might destroy the works of the devil (I Jn. 3. 18).”
So the war between heaven and hell over the most defenseless goes on. In Washington and Oregon, abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason, remains legal. Our sanctification is as needed now as it has ever been. Jesus Christ [God] will ultimately win this war over sin and death. You and I are being called to fight alongside Him in this life and death struggle through our prayers, fasting, cold showers, and courage to share the truth with family, friends, co-workers, and everyone else who will listen. We will ultimately win this because God ultimately wins.
Now back to where I began this column, at the start of the Easter Vigil, when Jesus lay in the tomb and all seems lost. When darkness literally prevails. The priest traces the outline of the cross on the Paschal Candle, a symbol of Jesus, while pinning incense into His wounds the priest says:
By his holy and glorious wounds, may Christ our Lord guard us and keep us. Amen.
May the light of Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds. Amen.
Then the priest lights the Paschal Candle and triumphantly carries it, Jesus, into the Church to conquer the world. And so it will ultimately be. In the fullness of time, Jesus will defeat evil, sin, and the fallen angels, and cast it all into hell forever. In the meantime live in the faith, hope, and love of Our Risen and victorious Lord, knowing that duped mothers and defenseless babies can count on our unwavering help.
May Almighty God Bless You,
Fr. Thomas Nathe