October is Respect Life Month
October 10th, 2021
Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever ~
I haven’t written on this subject in a few years, but a couple of very serious recent developments have come to light and they have given me pause to reflect and share.
The first is the “heart beat” law in Texas. In case you are unaware, the Texas state legislature passed a law allowing citizens to sue abortion providers who perform abortions beyond the detection of a heartbeat, which is about six weeks after conception. What makes this case so newsworthy, as opposed to hundreds of state laws in the past 45 years that have tried to restrict abortion, is that the Supreme Court didn’t stop it. This is a huge victory for life. Over 50 thousand babies a year in Texas will not be killed because of this law. The Supreme Court is set to hear a case this year on whether or not Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that forced abortion upon all 50 states, should be overruled. If it is, and much prayer and fasting are needed for this outcome, then abortion will go back to congress or the states to decide. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe, then legal abortion in this country, which kills hundreds of thousands of defenseless, innocent, babies a year, will still be legal in most states, but the number of abortions will begin to dramatically decline. By the way, that same Texas bill that severely restricted abortions, also guarantees tax payer dollars to assist any woman throughout her pregnancy, birth of her child, and to raise the child to Kindergarten when federal programs kick in. This puts the lie to the tired old ruse that pro-lifers care about the baby but not the mother. Of course you won’t hear about this pro-mom part of the Texas bill from the mainstream media.
In light of all this good news, the Democrats, who control congress and the white house, are doing their best to make sure abortion continues to kill hundreds of thousands of babies a year even if Roe is overturned. On September 24, the House of Representatives passed a bill that Archbishop Joseph Naumann, Chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, called “the most extreme pro-abortion bill our nation has ever seen.” Again much prayer and fasting is in order here, as we are in a war not of our own choosing nor even with enemies we can see, but as the scriptures say, with principalities and powers.
If you are willing to get involved in the local pro-life movement, please contact Gerry Parmantier, a Holy Redeemer parishioner, at 360-831-7542 or gerry1968@q.com
I have attached below, or on the other side of this page, a communique from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, on the legislation that has passed in the House of Representatives and is now in the hands of the Senate. Please read it.
May the God of Peace Bless You,
Fr. Thomas Nathe
A Dark Day in America: Your action is needed more than ever!
Last Friday was a very dark day as the House of Representatives voted to pass the most radical abortion bill ever. The so-called Women’s Health Protection Act, H.R. 3755, would:
Allow abortion on demand nationwide throughout EVERY STAGE of pregnancy
BAN pro-life laws in every state and local government
Force Americans to support abortions with their tax dollars
Likely eliminate conscience protections for doctors—among other extreme actions
Of those present, all but one House Democrat voted for the bill and all House Republicans voted against. The single House Democrat to vote against the bill was Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas. You can see how your representative voted here.
In his statement responding to this vote, Archbishop Joseph Naumann, Chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, called this bill “the most extreme pro-abortion bill our nation has ever seen.”
Please contact your Representative today either to thank him/her for voting against H.R. 3755 or to express strong, but respectful, disagreement with their vote for the bill while urging him/her to reconsider support for this radical bill. [You can reach our Representative Jaime Herrera-Beutler to thank her for voting against H.R. 3755 her by calling her Vancouver office at 360-695-6292, her Washington, DC Office at (202) 225-3536, or email her by filling out the form at https://jhb.house.gov/contact/]
In addition, we believe it is likely that the Senate will also vote on this bill in the very near future. So, please also contact your two Senators to strongly urge their opposition to the Senate version of this bill (S. 1975) when it comes up for a vote. [Please make a difference and contact our (Catholic) senators today]
Senator Patty Murray:
Vancouver Office Phone Number: (360) 696-7797 Washington, DC Office: (202) 224-2621
Online at: https://www.murray.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/mobile/contactme
Senator Maria Cantwell:
Vancouver Office Phone Number: (360) 696-7838 Washington, DC Office: (202) 224-3441
Online at: https://www.cantwell.senate.gov/contact/email/form.
As always, we are grateful for any action you can take on this matter and for all you do to proclaim the Gospel of Life. Please also join us in praying that our nation and its leaders will fully embrace this Gospel.
Further background:
Archbishop Naumann’s letter to Congress urging opposition to this bill.
Click this fact sheet to see the details of this radical bill.