A Prayer in the Age of LGBTQ+
March 19, 2023
Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever ~
Lent began on Ash Wednesday with Jesus telling us in the Gospel to pray, fast, and give alms; and by us receiving ashes, reminding us of our mortality. On the first Sunday of Lent we heard about Satan tempting Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden and tempting Jesus in the wilderness. In our modern world, Satan’s temptations abound, so much so, that we don’t recognize them much of the time, many people don’t recognize them at all; yet they are all about us leading us into sin and its consequences: slavery, suffering, death, and damnation.
Having fallen, having seen so many others fall, seeing the progress of evil in the world (and in the Church), we naturally become despondent. We can even give up on Christ and join the majority on the broad, easy road to perdition. (Mt 7:13)
Don’t give up the struggle against the enemy of our souls. Our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, is present to us at all times, even in our darkest moments. He is God. He is all knowing, all powerful, all loving, and He has a place prepared for each of us in heaven, if only we don’t give up here below.
Below I have attached a short hopeful article and prayer to help us in our spiritual struggle against the unseen principalities and powers that fill the air. The prayer is worth holding onto and praying.
May Almighty God Bless You,
Fr. Thomas Nathe
We Are Not Helpless
Posted on January 26, 2023 by veilofveronica
If you are like me, you have been awake and seeing the train wreck of our society for a long time. I have pondered how Saint Paul went into all these Gentile churches and spoke to them about the unknown God they had an altar to, and he pointed them towards Christ, even in his own peril. Corinth was worshipping Aphrodite with orgies and temple sex slaves. Saint Paul is not unfamiliar in dealing with the sins we see rampant today.
There are days that the onslaught of sin can seem overwhelming and that we are incapable of winning this battle. But we know that isn’t true and that the battle is not in the physical plane. It is a spiritual battle and we need to be warriors of prayer. We fight, as Paul tells us, Powers and Principalities. We fight on our knees in prayer. The corruption of our children is the final phase of corruption that began long ago. This century escalated our moral degradation. Contraception, pornography, abortion, fornication, adultery, divorce, homosexuality, transgenderism, all of it, a moral abyss. It actually leads to violence because people do not understand the dignity for which we were made.
Speaking this truth does not mean condemnation of the persons who have committed these things. On the contrary, speaking this truth is meant as a call back to dignity, purity, and holiness. Dignity, purity and holiness usher in true charity. There is nothing you have done that God cannot heal in a way you never thought possible. Saint Paul told Corinth, even after all they had done, that he promised them to one husband, to be presented as a chaste virgin. God can restore all things. We are in a battle for our identity. We need to reclaim ourselves as children of God.
Though in the past we had more protection prayed for us by the clergy, we don’t always have that luxury today. Many inside the church are corrupt, the sex scandals and cover up have shown us that, but we are not helpless. We have a God who told us to ask, seek and knock. I wrote this prayer to do just that.
I followed the template provided here. I do not have the authority to cast out demons, that is reserved for the exorcists, but I do have courage to ask God the Father to do this for us. This is my plea to God the Father.
God the Father of Heaven from whom all authority comes, we come before you today to implore you, in the Most Holy Name of Jesus Christ, to protect your family here on earth.
Deal aggressively with the enemy who tries to steal, kill and destroy the innocence of children and the love of the family.
Help us Lord to resist the devil. Set the enemy to flight. Give us a deep desire for the Most Holy Trinity alone.
God the Father, through your authority and in the Holy Name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we ask for the Sword of the Holy Spirit to be brought upon your people to bind and cast out:
the spirit of homosexuality
the desire for homosexuality
the spirit of transgenderism
the desire to be transgender
the spirit of fornication
the desire to fornicate
the spirit of divorce
the desire to divorce
the spirit of pornography
the desire for pornography
the spirit of contraception and lifelessness
the desire to bear no fruit
the spirit of murder and abortion
the desire to murder and abort
the spirit of violence
the desire to commit violence
the spirit of envy
the spirit of pride
the spirit of all lust and sexual perversions, disordered desire and unchastity.
God the Father we ask you to cast them out, abolish and remove them in the name of your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, whose blood was poured out for us to be redeemed.
We ask that the stronghold of these perversions that permeate our society be broken and rendered powerless and void in our universal church, in our Dioceses (name yours), in our parish (name yours), in our families and homes.
We ask that all forms of retaliation be blocked from harming us.
Make our hearts burn with the fire of true charity and make our families holy families. Heal us Lord.
We ask this through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, all the choirs of Angels, and all the Saints in Heaven.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.