Demonic Portals
June 9, 2024
Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever ~
Our readings this Sunday feature two of hell’s most powerful demons, Satan and Beelzebul. So, I thought I’d use this column to bring up one way the fallen angels gain access to us, a way most of you are not aware of.
People ask me to bless religious objects for them all the time, usually right after Mass. Last week, a little girl asked me if I’d bless her crystal neckless. I was in the midst of greeting people and thrown off because it wasn’t a religious object but something that the Enemy can use to unwittingly gain access to people. Say what? Crystals are hung around necks and car mirrors, etc., supposedly for their positive “energy.” If they are a conduit of energy, then where is that energy coming from? It isn’t coming from the crystal itself. Inanimate objects such as rocks, crystals, metal, wood (removed from a tree), etc., don’t have a life force because they are not alive. If they do possess some form of energy or power, then ultimately, it must be coming from God or the fallen angels, the only two sources of supernatural (beyond nature) power.
I’ve performed blessings and exorcisms in homes that appear to have demonic manifestation. One of the features that I’ve noticed in many of them, are pictures in the home that depict something evil or connected to tragedy. In most cases this takes the form of occult images, or pictures or paintings of tragic figures, and sometimes actual figurines. Occult images would include pentagrams, the all-seeing eye, the hand, depictions of Hindu deities or Buddha, and even openly satanic images. Tragic figures would be people who died tragic deaths such as James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Michael Jackson, and people known for evil lives (living and dead). Beware of images of music and movie stars! Most of them lead impure lives and advocate for abortion and sodomy rights—both portals for demonic presence.
Watch out! All of these images or icons on a person, or in a home or car, can be portals for fallen angels to enter our lives. The fallen angels do attach themselves to these things. Whatever energy might be emanating through them is not coming from heaven.
Instead of these, have around your neck or car mirror a Catholic image that has been blessed by a priest or deacon. These would include a cross, rosary, miraculous medal, scapular, St. Benedict medal, any saint, etc. At home have pictures or paintings of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary, angels, saints, family, and nature.
Lastly, watch out for screens: smart phones, tablets, televisions, and computer monitors. They are the most effective way fallen angels enter our lives. Since the 1950s, hell’s power over humanity has increased exponentially due to televisions entering the home, and in the last twenty years, even more so through the internet.
I’ve attached here an article to speaks to this phenomenon, coming from an exorcism. The article has been abridged for space. You can read the whole article at the website below.
May Almighty God Bless You,
Fr. Thomas Nathe
Are Ornaments Bringing Spirits into Your Home?
June 4, 2024 by Spirit Daily
How to distinguish objects that bring you closer to the devil from those that protect you.
A permanent battle between good and evil is waged in the world, although it is not entirely visible to most people. Do you know that there are weapons that can be used against you, even without you knowing it? Objects, for example, ornaments that seem harmless, can open you to the influence of the evil one. Every choice you make, even the most seemingly insignificant, can have an impact on your spiritual protection [for discernment and not fear]. Here we will reveal the hidden dangers hidden behind certain objects you use. You will discover how these objects can give a signal to evil forces to attack you and how others give the opposite signal. And you will learn to discern which objects are safe for your soul and which you should avoid at all costs.
One day, a family with a visibly disturbed pregnant young woman arrives at Father Miguel Pedroso, a well-known exorcist priest in the Archdiocese of São Paulo, Brazil. And they explain that the woman had extremely strange behavior. Sometimes she was caught in the corners of the house speaking in strange languages that she did not know. Other times she would have fits of rage that five or six men were not able to contain. The exorcist learned that no one in the family had an aversion to blessed objects, images, and rosaries–a marker of possession. Then, Father Miguel began to pray for her.
And as soon as the exorcism began, there was a very clear manifestation of possession. Father Miguel demanded that the demon say who he was and what he wanted there, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And the answer he received was, “We have come to take possession of what is ours. She is ours and we are not going to leave.” And as he performed the rite, he realized that the demons did not really obey him. Then he asked that they bring an image of Our Lady. And the demons manifested a terrible fury, saying, “Not the woman, not the woman,” because they feared her as the queen of Heaven and earth, the queen of the angels–good and bad. And furthermore, for demons, it is humiliating that a human creature, a woman, has not been touched by sin. Then, invoking the intercession of Our Lady, Father Michael forced the demons to say why they would not leave. And finally, the demons told him, “Because our hands are on her, and we are not going to get out.”
When the demons said, “Our hands are on her,” Father Miguel Pedroso, who was an experienced exorcist, asked the young woman’s husband and father: “Does she wear a pendant, chain, or something like that?” The husband said yes, she wore a chain. Then the priest said, “Please open her blouse and let me see the cord.” When the husband opened the blouse, the demons, enraged, resisted him taking the chain. What was around her neck was a strange figure and the demons repeated, “Our hands are on it.” Then Father Miguel told the husband, “Break that cord now and throw it on the ground.” The wife writhed as the husband broke and threw the cord to the ground. And immediately, Father Miguel prayed the rite of exorcism, and this woman was completely liberated. And at the end, he told the woman, “Throw that away and never again use that type of object that is foreign to our faith. “If you are going to wear a pendant, wear a Crucifix, a Miraculous Medal, a medal of Our Lady of Graces, a medal of Our Lady of Tears, wear a blessed sacramental on the neck, do not wear objects foreign to our faith.”
See the rest of the article here –