Read Good Catholic News Sources

September 4, 2022

Jesus Christ: the Way, the Truth, and the Life ~

From time to time people ask me where they should be getting their Catholic news.  That’s a great question for anyone who wants to know the truth about what is going in the Catholic Church, and to be correctly formed and supported in their faith.  Too many Catholic news sources ignore or sugar coat important issues of concern, or worse, mislead Catholics into believing falsehoods about the Catholic faith.  Non-Catholic news sources intentionally run misleading stories to make the Catholic Church look bad, while championing heretical Catholics and denigrating faithful Catholics. 

Inform yourself.  Every week, or at least monthly, read news on what’s going on in the Catholic Church from the lens of God.  Be responsible and get your news from Catholic organizations that will tell you the whole story without the need for a splashy and misleading headline.  Below are some that I recommend and a few I don’t. 

Here are some good Catholic news sources you can find on the internet or radio:

Here are some bad Catholic news sources that stand with the spirit of the age against what Christ and his disciples have always taught:

  • America Magazine, US Catholic, National Catholic Reporter, Commonweal.

May Almighty God Bless You,

Fr. Thomas Nathe


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