The Annual Catholic Appeal
April 30, 2023
Jesus Christ is Risen – Alleluia!
Within the past couple of weeks, you received a letter from Archbishop Etienne introducing you to this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA). Each year at this time we pause and consider all the good that is accomplished because of your support of the ACA: the homeless are sheltered, retired priests and nuns are cared for, our seminarians are prepared to serve as our future priests, and so much more. If you haven’t already done so, I pray you will join me in supporting the Catholic Church in Western Washington by giving to the 2023 Annual Catholic Appeal. The support of every parish is critical to the success of the Archdiocese and its many ministries.
Regarding the financial piece, our combined Archdiocesan & Parish goal for this year is $175,000. With that said, the more important goal is participation and we have set that goal at 100%. I invite you to join your fellow parishioners, along with thousands of other Catholics across Western Washington to make a difference by making a gift today.
When we meet our Annual Catholic Appeal goal, we will fulfill our responsibility to support over 60 ministries of the Archdiocese, and we will be able to set aside much needed funds to install security cameras on our parish campus and to increase our disaster preparedness and recovery plans and equipment. Over the years we’ve had problems with vandalism and cars being broken into, especially during Mass (clever devils). We also have an ongoing problem with reckless drivers in our parking lot at all hours of the day and night. It's your generosity that will make the ministry of the Archdiocese and this much needed parish project a reality. I hope to be able to count on you and your good stewardship.
I am asking every household in the parish to commit to 1% of your annual household income or $1.50 a day ($550) (whichever is more) over the course of the next year. Some of us can commit to more than that, and we really depend on you to do that if you can, yet every gift will make a difference so please commit to something. If you haven’t already contributed to the 2023 ACA (which started April 20th) please do so today by going to or filling out the form you received from the Archbishop in the mail. For any questions call the parish office at 1-360-885-7780 or the Archdiocese at 1-800-809-4921. For those of you who have already made a commitment – thank you for your generosity!
Finally this: bequests, please remember Holy Redeemer Parish in your will. Because we are a new parish, we don’t get as many bequests as most parishes our size, yet bequests are so helpful in funding our many large projects – especially our future multipurpose building. If you haven’t yet put Holy Redeemer in your will, please do so. It is a gift that keeps on giving long after we’ve parted this world, a gift for which generations of Holy Redeemer parishioners will be eternally grateful.
May the Risen Christ Bless You,
Fr. Thomas Nathe