2025-2026 School Subsidy

Holy Redeemer Parish offers a subsidy contributions for K-8 students attending Columbia River Catholic Kindergarten, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School, Regina Caeli Academy, and St. Joseph Parish School so that your family can receive the lower subsidized tuition rate. This subsidy application must be completed and returned to Holy Redeemer Parish by May 1, 2025. This process is repeated each year.

Subsidy Requirements

  1. Must be registered at Holy Redeemer Parish.

  2. Families outside parish boundaries must be registered for at least one year prior to being eligible for subsidy. Subsidy payments will begin on the first month after the year is complete.

  3. Subsidy is not available for preschool.

  4. Subsidy is available for the following:

    • Columbia River Catholic Kindergarten, Camas, WA

    • Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School, Vancouver, WA

    • Regina Caeli Academy, Vancouver, WA

    • St. Joseph Parish School, Vancouver, WA

  5. Amount of subsidy is determined annually by Holy Redeemer’s pastor in consultation with the Finance Committee.

  6. Request for subsidy must be received by Holy Redeemer’s Parish office no later than May 1st on an annual basis – subsidy is not automatically renewed each year.

  7. Subsidy is requested by completing and submitting this Catholic Schools Subsidy Application form to Holy Redeemer; this is the only form needed or accepted to apply for subsidy.

  8. The subsidy is paid monthly for each family that has been approved for subsidy and maintains compliance with the three criteria used to determine active parishioner status.

  9. For Regina Caeli Academy the subsidy is limited to four children since the tuition is also capped at four children.

Three criteria will determine if a family is an Active Parishioner:

  1. Must be registered at Holy Redeemer-if you live outside Holy Redeemer’s boundaries you will be eligible for subsidy after you have been registered for one year, starting the first month after the anniversary of your registration.

  2. Verifiable Mass attendance. We are looking at revising our current system of verification and will inform you when we have determined a method.

  3. Must complete a stewardship commitment form each year during our annual stewardship drive.


Catholic Daughters of the Americas