High School Programs and Activities
High School Programs
Our High School programs deepen your student’s faith knowledge on a number of age-relevant topics, provides Sacramental and Post-Sacramental formation, and ongoing fellowship throughout the school year. Youth are divided into small groups by sex and age, overseen by one or more mentor volunteers (small group leaders). We promote an open-dialogue discussion style, to encourage youth to think critically and discover the timeless Truth, Beauty and Goodness of our Catholic Faith, rather than merely absorb information.
Our programs for High School students include:
Wednesday Evening Faith Formation: This is the core of our High School formation programs. This year we’re proud to bring Fraternus (for men) and Fidelis (for women) to Holy Redeemer. These nationally-recognized programs focus on forming people aged 6th grade through adulthood in a life of virtue through age-segregated small group discussion, witness talks, scripture reflections, and good old fashioned food and fun.
Retreats, Mini-Retreats and Socials: A few times a year, students have an opportunity to step away from the busy-ness of routine and reflect on how God is working in their lives through a retreat (or a mini-retreat). Socials provide an opportunity to have some fun with your friends in a youth ministry context - invite your friends, especially if they’ve never been to church before!
Volunteering: Throughout the year we have a variety of service opportunities for teens - from special events at Holy Redeemer to opportunities to make a difference in our community. Want to get involved? Email Katelyn Greenlee to learn more.
Character Development Programs: Check out American Heritage Girls and Trail Life USA below to learn more about these awesome programs aimed at forming quality young women and men while experiencing outdoor adventures!